Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Week Four: B

To start class I volunteered to share my storyboard for my "Message in Motion" to the class. I received some helpful feedback with my design. Overall I needed to try and build on my idea. Because it is a text conversation I wanted to stay with that similar vertical building format, but I need to try to exaggerate an aspect of the composition. My classmates suggested amplifying the typing dots since those already build tension and based on the stressfulness of the conversation those can be amplified. 

I decided to edit the ending of the animation increasing the size and duration of the typing dots from frame 14 to the end which can be seen below.

After my edits, I began working in After Effects. 

I started by trying to set a speed for the transition for the text moving up. I used guides to keep the spacing consistent. 

After determining the duration of the transition I continued adding the lines of text and moving them upwards. Towards the end of class, this is what I had completed so far.

Another concern that was addressed in my sharing of my storyboard to the class was the consistent verticle format and the large amount of text on the screen. Taking a step back there is a lot of text on the screen at a time. So I began thinking of the one example our professor showed us where the person used a decrease in opacity to fade one word when another word came on screen. I began to explore using a change in opacity to create emphasis on the messages at the bottom. 

I have the opacity at 100% then 25% then 8% and when they reach the very top then 0%. Right now I have the first two messages fading together but I may adjust that if that disrupts with the consistency. 

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