Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Week Five: B

After sharing my logo options to the class I decided to choose the "seek discomfort" secondary identity from Yes Theory. Even though this is not their main logo for their channel, this design still appears on their home screen, on their apparel, which is the main mantra of their videos. 

I believe this design can still work in any of their videos, but rather than being at the beginning, the design can appear at the end of the videos as a transition between the end of the video and their "please subscribe" still frame with links to other videos. 

I knew that Yes Theory has apparel for their channel, but upon further research, I found that their shop is called "seek discomfort" so this animation could also be used there as well. 

The next step was working on my storyboard options for the animation. The time frame is 3 to 5 seconds which is not much time to create movement and still has a pause for readability. I decide to aim for a 3 to a 4-second window for my motions so the design does not linger too long.

I found two simple videos that are 3 and 4 seconds long to get a sense of the time I will have and create a mental layout of the visual motions. 

I created two storyboard layouts during class time. 

The first is a transition of the text being the correct direction to the mirrored/edited logo they have. The changes would be quick ending at 3 seconds but I may add a slight 1/2 second to a second pause at the end for emphasis. 

The second storyboard I completed is a little longer with the logo being broken up into its characters and appearing letter by letter in each frame. 

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