Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Week One: B

We began our class by watching a video to understand what motion in design is. The video was actually pretty interesting with seeing many different examples some simple and only a few seconds long to others being much longer and more complex. I have always wondered how people create moving graphics in commercials or in videos, so I am excited to learn how to create moving graphics similar to those I have seen. 

After the video, we got to create a thaumatrope using two paper tags with sting and glued them back to back. Our assignment was to draw two half off an image then when the tags were twirled between our fingertips they would appear together. For my thaumatrope, I drew a fishbowl with a fish, bubbles, and a plant so when twirled the bubbles and plant would move. The drawing worked pretty well but I could have made it easier for myself and only draw the fishbowl on the one side.

After learning some key terms such as time code, frame rate, and keyframes, we were then walked through a demo on how to create a line animation in Adobe Animate. For our assignment, we will be animating a single black brush stroke line to convey an emotion. The emotion I chose is "joy". 

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